Responsable : Philippe DELAVAULT


L’établissement de certaines interactions plante – plante impliquant des plantes parasites obligatoires de racines, telles que les Orobanches, repose sur une signalisation allélochimique encore mal comprise et potentiellement modulable par le microbiome rhizosphérique. Par ailleurs, certaines de ces interactions sont des problématiques agronomiques majeures.

L’équipe Rhizoplante contribue au développement de ressources biochimiques, biologiques, génétiques et génomiques (transcriptomes et génomes) utiles d’une part à la caractérisation des signaux rhizosphériques d’élicitation de la germination et de la formation de l’haustorium des orobanches (Phelipanche ramosa et Orobanche cumana) et d’autre part à l’étude des voies de signalisation induites. Les pathosystèmes Arabidopsis – P. ramosa, colza – P. ramosa et tournesol – O. cumana sont les interactions modèles de l’équipe.

Les recherches actuelles de l’équipe Rhizoplante portent sur :

  • la diversité des stimulants de germination (SGs : strigolactones en autres) et des facteurs d’induction de l’haustorium (HIFs : cytokinines entre autres),
  • la diversité chez les orobanches des récepteurs KAI2 et HK de ces signaux rhizosphériques (SGs et HIFs, respectivement),
  • l’implication du microbiote rhizosphérique dans cette signalisation, particulièrement dans le cadre de l’interaction colza – P. ramosa,
  • le développement d’outils génétiques pour des approches de validation fonctionnelle,
  • le déterminisme génétique, chimique et moléculaire des résistances à l’orobanche chez les plantes hôtes.


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Anciens membres de l'équipe


Anciens projets


1 publication

Veronesi, Christophe; Billard, Estelle; Delavault, Philippe; Simier, Philippe

(±)-Catechins inhibit prehaustorium formation in the parasitic weed Phelipanche ramosa and reduce tomato infestation Article de journal

Dans: Pest Management Science, vol. 81, no. 2, p. 720-726, 2025.

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4 publications

Martinez, Lisa; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Jestin, Christophe; Montiel, Gregory; Gravot, Antoine; Berardocco, Solenne; Marnet, Nathalie; Bouchereau, Alain; Delage, Erwan; Simier, Philippe; Poulin, Lucie

Comparative Analysis of Two Neighboring Conducive and Suppressive Soils Toward Plant Parasitism Caused by Phelipanche ramosa on Brassica napus Article de journal

Dans: Phytobiomes Journal, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 425–445, 2024, ISSN: 2471-2906.

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Veronesi, Christophe; Billard, Estelle; Delavault, Philippe; Simier, Philippe

(±)‐Catechins inhibit prehaustorium formation in the parasitic weed <scp><i>Phelipanche ramosa</i></scp> and reduce tomato infestation Article de journal

Dans: Pest Management Science, 2024, ISSN: 1526-4998.

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Grandjean, Cyril; Veronesi, Christophe; Rusterucci, Christine; Gautier, Charlotte; Maillot, Yannis; Leschevin, Maïté; Fournet, Françoise; Drouaud, Jan; Marcelo, Paulo; Zabijak, Luciane; Delavault, Philippe; Simier, Philippe; Bouton, Sophie; Pageau, Karine

Pectin Remodeling and Involvement of AtPME3 in the Parasitic Plant–Plant Interaction, Phelipanche ramosa–Arabidospis thaliana Article de journal

Dans: Plants, vol. 13, no. 15, 2024, ISSN: 2223-7747.

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Jean-Philippe Combier Sabine Tourneur, Serge Plaza

microRNA-encoded peptides inhibit seed germination of the root parasitic plant Orobanche cumana Article de journal

Dans: New Phytologist, 2024.

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3 publications

Philippe Simier Philippe Delavault, Christophe Veronesi

Les plantes parasites Chapitre d'ouvrage

Dans: Phytopathologie, vol. Partie 2, Chapitre 7, p. 130-143, De Boeck Supérieur éditions, Deuxième édition, 2023, ISBN: 9782807302884 .


Lailheugue, Vincent; Merlin, Isabelle; Boutet, Stéphanie; Perreau, François; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Delgrange, Sabine; Ducrot, Paul-Henri; Cottyn-Boitte, Betty; Mouille, Gregory; Lauvergeat, Virginie

Vitislactone, a non-canonical strigolactone exudated by grapevine rootstocks in response to nitrogen starvation Article de journal

Dans: Phytochemistry, vol. 215, p. 113837, 2023, ISSN: 1873-3700.

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and Claude Becker,; Berthomé, Richard; Delavault, Philippe; Flutre, Timothée; Fréville, Hélène; Gibot-Leclerc, Stéphanie; Corre, Valérie Le; Morel, Jean-Benoit; Moutier, Nathalie; Muños, Stéphane; Richard-Molard, Céline; Westwood, James; Courty, Pierre-Emmanuel; de Saint Germain, Alexandre; Louarn, Gaëtan; Roux, Fabrice

The ecologically relevant genetics of plant-plant interactions Article de journal

Dans: Trends Plant Sci, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 31–42, 2023, ISSN: 1878-4372.

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3 publications

Martinez, Lisa; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Montiel, Gregory; Jestin, Christophe; Delavault, Philippe; Simier, Philippe; Poulin, Lucie

Soil microbiota promotes early developmental stages of Phelipanche ramosa L. Pomel during plant parasitism on Brassica napus L. Article de journal

Dans: Plant and Soil, vol. 483, p. 667–691 , 2022.

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Fornier, Suzanne Daignan; de Saint Germain, Alexandre; Retailleau, Pascal; Pillot, Jean-Paul; Taulera, Quentin; Andna, Lucile; Miesch, Laurence; Rochange, Soizic; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Boyer, François-Didier

Noncanonical Strigolactone Analogues Highlight Selectivity for Stimulating Germination in Two Populations Article de journal

Dans: J Nat Prod, vol. 85, no. 8, p. 1976–1992, 2022, ISSN: 1520-6025.

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Chabaud, Mireille; Auriac, Marie-Christine; Boniface, Marie-Claude; Delgrange, Sabine; Folletti, Tifaine; Jardinaud, Marie-Françoise; Legendre, Alexandra; Pérez-Vich, Begoña; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Velasco, Leonardo; Delavault, Philippe; Muños, Stéphane

Wild species: A reservoir of resistance genes for sustainable pyramidal resistance to broomrape in sunflower Article de journal

Dans: Front Plant Sci, vol. 13, p. 1038684, 2022, ISSN: 1664-462X.

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5 publications

Cornet, Florent; Pillot, Jean-Paul; Bris, Philippe Le; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Arnaud, Nicolas; de Saint Germain, Alexandre; Rameau, Catherine

Strigolactones (SLs) modulate the plastochron by regulating KLUH (KLU) transcript abundance in Arabidopsis Article de journal

Dans: New Phytol, vol. 232, no. 5, p. 1909–1916, 2021, ISSN: 1469-8137.

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Germain, Alexandre Saint; Jacobs, Anse; Brun, Guillaume; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Braem, Lukas; Cornu, David; Clavé, Guillaume; Baudu, Emmanuelle; Steinmetz, Vincent; Servajean, Vincent; Wicke, Susann; Gevaert, Kris; Simier, Philippe; Goormachtig, Sophie; Delavault, Philippe; Boyer, François-Didier

A Phelipanche ramosa KAI2 protein perceives strigolactones and isothiocyanates enzymatically Article de journal

Dans: Plant Commun, vol. 2, no. 5, p. 100166, 2021, ISSN: 2590-3462.

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Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Poulin, Lucie; Huet, Sarah; Delavault, Philippe

Strigolactone-Like Bioactivity via Parasitic Plant Germination Bioassay Article de journal

Dans: Methods Mol Biol, vol. 2309, p. 59–73, 2021, ISSN: 1940-6029.

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Brun, Guillaume; Spallek, Thomas; Simier, Philippe; Delavault, Philippe

Molecular actors of seed germination and haustoriogenesis in parasitic weeds Article de journal

Dans: Plant Physiol, vol. 185, no. 4, p. 1270-1281, 2021, ISSN: 0032-0889 (Print) 0032-0889.

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Lopez-Obando, Mauricio; Guillory, Ambre; Boyer, François-Didier; Cornu, David; Hoffmann, Beate; Bris, Philippe Le; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Delavault, Philippe; Rameau, Catherine; Germain, Alexandre Saint; Bonhomme, Sandrine

The Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens PpKAI2L receptors for strigolactones and related compounds function via MAX2-dependent and -independent pathways Article de journal

Dans: Plant Cell, vol. 33, no. 11, p. 3487-3512, 2021, ISSN: 1040-4651 (Print) 1040-4651.

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4 publications

Huet, Sarah; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Delage, Erwan; Delgrange, Sabine; Marais, Coralie; Bahut, Muriel; Delavault, Philippe; Simier, Philippe; Poulin, Lucie

Populations of the Parasitic Plant Influence Their Seed Microbiota Article de journal

Dans: Front Plant Sci, vol. 11, p. 1075, 2020, ISSN: 1664-462X.

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Delavault, Philippe

Are root parasitic plants like any other plant pathogens? Article de journal

Dans: New Phytol, vol. 226, no. 3, p. 641-643, 2020, ISSN: 0028-646x.

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Billard, Estelle; Goyet, Vincent; Delavault, Philippe; Simier, Philippe; Montiel, Grégory

Correction to: Cytokinin treated microcalli of Phelipanche ramosa: an efficient model for studying haustorium formation in holoparasitic plants Article de journal

Dans: Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), vol. 141, no. 3, p. 555-555, 2020, ISSN: 1573-5044.

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Fernández-Aparicio, Monica; Delavault, Philippe; Timko, Michael

Management of Infection by Parasitic Weeds: A Review Article de journal

Dans: Plants (Basel), vol. 9, no. 9, 2020, ISSN: 2223-7747 (Print) 2223-7747.

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3 publications

de Saint Germain, Alexandre; Retailleau, Pascal; Norsikian, Stéphanie; Servajean, Vincent; Pelissier, Franck; Steinmetz, Vincent; Pillot, Jean-Paul; Rochange, Soizic; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Boyer, François-Didier

Contalactone, a contaminant formed during chemical synthesis of the strigolactone reference GR24 is also a strigolactone mimic Article de journal

Dans: Phytochemistry, vol. 168, p. 112112, 2019, ISSN: 1873-3700.

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Brun, Guillaume; Thoiron, Séverine; Braem, Lukas; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Montiel, Grégory; Lechat, Marc-Marie; Simier, Philippe; Gevaert, Kris; Goormachtig, Sophie; Delavault, Philippe

CYP707As are effectors of karrikin and strigolactone signalling pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana and parasitic plants Article de journal

Dans: Plant Cell Environ, vol. 42, no. 9, p. 2612-2626, 2019, ISSN: 0140-7791.

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Stojanova, Bojana; Delourme, Régine; Duffé, Philippe; Delavault, Philippe; Simier, Philippe

Genetic differentiation and host preference reveal non-exclusive host races in the generalist parasitic weed Phelipanche ramosa Article de journal

Dans: Weed Research, vol. 59, no. 2, p. 107-118, 2019, ISSN: 0043-1737.

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2 publications

Cochetel, Noé; Météier, Eloïse; Merlin, Isabelle; Hévin, Cyril; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Coutos-Thévenot, Pierre; Hernould, Michel; Vivin, Philippe; Cookson, Sarah Jane; Ollat, Nathalie; Lauvergeat, Virginie

Potential contribution of strigolactones in regulating scion growth and branching in grafted grapevine in response to nitrogen availability Article de journal

Dans: J Exp Bot, vol. 69, no. 16, p. 4099–4112, 2018, ISSN: 1460-2431.

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Brun, Guillaume; Braem, Lukas; Thoiron, Séverine; Gevaert, Kris; Goormachtig, Sophie; Delavault, Philippe

Seed germination in parasitic plants: what insights can we expect from strigolactone research? Article de journal

Dans: J Exp Bot, vol. 69, no. 9, p. 2265-2280, 2018, ISSN: 0022-0957.

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1 publication

Goyet, Vincent; Billard, Estelle; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Lechat, Marc-Marie; Pelletier, Sandra; Bahut, Muriel; Monteau, Fabrice; Spíchal, Lukas; Delavault, Philippe; Montiel, Grégory; Simier, Philippe

Haustorium initiation in the obligate parasitic plant Phelipanche ramosa involves a host-exudated cytokinin signal Article de journal

Dans: J Exp Bot, vol. 68, no. 20, p. 5539-5552, 2017, ISSN: 0022-0957 (Print) 0022-0957.

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3 publications

Rolland, Mathieu; Dupuy, Aurélie; Pelleray, Aude; Delavault, Philippe

Molecular Identification of Broomrape Species from a Single Seed by High Resolution Melting Analysis Article de journal

Dans: Front Plant Sci, vol. 7, p. 1838, 2016, ISSN: 1664-462X (Print) 1664-462x.

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Péron, Thomas; Candat, Adrien; Montiel, Grégory; Veronesi, Christophe; Macherel, David; Delavault, Philippe; Simier, Philippe

New Insights into Phloem Unloading and Expression of Sucrose Transporters in Vegetative Sinks of the Parasitic Plant Phelipanche ramosa L. (Pomel) Article de journal

Dans: Front Plant Sci, vol. 7, p. 2048, 2016, ISSN: 1664-462X (Print) 1664-462x.

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Brahmi, Ines; Mabrouk, Yassine; Brun, Guillaume; Delavault, Philippe; Belhadj, Omrane; Simier, Philippe

Phenotypical and biochemical characterisation of resistance for parasitic weed (Orobanche foetida Poir.) in radiation-mutagenised mutants of chickpea Article de journal

Dans: Pest Manag Sci, vol. 72, no. 12, p. 2330-2338, 2016, ISSN: 1526-498x.

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3 publications

Molinero-Ruiz, Leire; Delavault, Philippe; Pérez-Vich, Begoña; Pacureanu-Joita, Maria; Bulos, Mariano; Altieri, Emiliano; Domínguez, Juan

History of the race structure of Orobanche cumana and the breeding of sunflower for resistance to this parasitic weed: A review Article de journal

Dans: Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 13, no. 4, p. e10R01, 2015.

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Delavault, Philippe

Knowing the Parasite: Biology and Genetics of Orobanche Article de journal

Dans: Helia, vol. 38, no. 62, p. 15-29, 2015.

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Lechat, Marc-Marie; Brun, Guillaume; Montiel, Grégory; Véronési, Christophe; Simier, Philippe; Thoiron, Séverine; Pouvreau, Jean-Bernard; Delavault, Philippe

Seed response to strigolactone is controlled by abscisic acid-independent DNA methylation in the obligate root parasitic plant, Phelipanche ramosa L. Pomel Article de journal

Dans: J Exp Bot, vol. 66, no. 11, p. 3129-40, 2015, ISSN: 0022-0957 (Print) 0022-0957.

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