Céline DUC

Maître de conférences Université

section 64
Équipe :

Thèmes de recherche

Mécanismes moléculaires du maintien de l’épigénome des micro-algues au cours du cycle cellulaire, Epigénétique/Epigénomique, Bio-informatique



Parcours universitaire

* 2001-2003 : classe préparatoire BCPST (Biologie Chimie Physique Sciences de la Terre)

* 2003-2006 : Montpellier Sup’Agro 

* 2006-2009 : Thèse en Biologie Intégrative des Plantes

* 20020 : HDR – Habilitation à diriger les recherches


2 publications

Denoeud, France; Godfroy, Olivier; Cruaud, Corinne; Heesch, Svenja; Nehr, Zofia; Tadrent, Nachida; Couloux, Arnaud; Brillet-Guéguen, Loraine; Delage, Ludovic; Mckeown, Dean; Motomura, Taizo; Sussfeld, Duncan; 0and Lisa Mazéas, Xiao Fan; Terrapon, Nicolas; Barrera-Redondo, Josué; Petroll, Romy; Reynes, Lauric; Choi, Seok-Wan; Jo, Jihoon; Uthanumallian, Kavitha; Bogaert, Kenny; Duc, Céline; Ratchinski, Pélagie; Lipinska, Agnieszka; Noel, Benjamin; Murphy, Eleanor A; 0and Ananya Khatei, Martin Lohr; Hamon-Giraud, Pauline; Vieira, Christophe; Avia, Komlan; 0and Shingo Akita, Svea Sanja Akerfors; Badis, Yacine; Barbeyron, Tristan; Belcour, Arnaud; Berrabah, Wahiba; Blanquart, Samuel; Bouguerba-Collin, Ahlem; Bringloe, Trevor; Cattolico, Rose Ann; Cormier, Alexandre; de Carvalho, Helena Cruz; Dallet, Romain; Clerck, Olivier De; Debit, Ahmed; Denis, Erwan; Destombe, Christophe; Dinatale, Erica; Dittami, Simon; Drula, Elodie; 0and Jeanne Got, Sylvain Faugeron; Graf, Louis; Groisillier, Agnès; Guillemin, Marie-Laure; Harms, Lars; Hatchett, William John; Henrissat, Bernard; Hoarau, Galice; Jollivet, Chloé; Jueterbock, Alexander; Kayal, Ehsan; Knoll, Andrew H; Kogame, Kazuhiro; Bars, Arthur Le; Leblanc, Catherine; Gall, Line Le; 0and Xi Liu, Ronja Ley; LoDuca, Steven T; 0and Philippe Lopez, Pascal Jean Lopez; Manirakiza, Eric; Massau, Karine; Mauger, Stéphane; Mest, Laetitia; Michel, Gurvan; Monteiro, Catia; Nagasato, Chikako; Nègre, Delphine; Pelletier, Eric; Phillips, Naomi; Potin, Philippe; Rensing, Stefan A; Rousselot, Ellyn; Rousvoal, Sylvie; Schroeder, Declan; Scornet, Delphine; Siegel, Anne; Tirichine, Leila; Tonon, Thierry; Valentin, Klaus; Verbruggen, Heroen; Weinberger, Florian; Wheeler, Glen; Kawai, Hiroshi; Peters, Akira F; Yoon, Hwan Su; 0and Naihao Ye, Cécile Hervé; Bapteste, Eric; Valero, Myriam; Markov, Gabriel V; Corre, Erwan; Coelho, Susana M; Wincker, Patrick; Aury, Jean-Marc; Cock, J Mark

Evolutionary genomics of the emergence of brown algae as key components of coastal ecosystems Article de journal

Dans: Cell, vol. 187, iss. 24, p. 6943-6965, 2024.

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Zarif, Mhammad; Rousselot, Ellyn; Jesus, Bruno; Tirichine, Leïla; Duc, Céline

H3K27me3 and EZH Are Involved in the Control of the Heat-Stress-Elicited Morphological Changes in Diatoms Article de journal

Dans: Int. J. Mol. Sci., vol. 25, iss. 15, p. 8373, 2024.

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1 publication

Poulet, Axel; Rousselot, Ellyn; Téletchéa, Stéphane; Noirot, Céline; Jacob, Yannick; Wolfswinkel, Josien; Thiriet, Christophe; Duc, Céline

The Histone Chaperone Network Is Highly Conserved in Physarum polycephalum Article de journal

Dans: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 24, no. 2, 2023, ISSN: 1422-0067.

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2 publications

Poulet, Axel; Mishra, Laxmi Narayan; Téletchéa, Stéphane; Hayes, Jeffrey J; Jacob, Yannick; Thiriet, Christophe; Duc, Céline

Identification and characterization of histones in Physarum polycephalum evidence a phylogenetic vicinity of Mycetozoans to the animal kingdom Article de journal

Dans: NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, vol. 3, no. 4, 2021, ISSN: 2631-9268, (lqab107).

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Duc, Céline; Thiriet, Christophe

Replication-Coupled Chromatin Remodeling: An Overview of Disassembly and Assembly of Chromatin during Replication Article de journal

Dans: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 22, no. 3, 2021, ISSN: 1422-0067.

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1 publication

Duc, Céline; Yoth, Marianne; Jensen, Silke; Mouniée, Nolwenn; Bergman, Casey M; Vaury, Chantal; Brasset, Emilie

Trapping a somatic endogenous retrovirus into a germline piRNA cluster immunizes the germline against further invasion Article de journal

Dans: Genome Biology, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 127, 2019, ISSN: 1474-760X.

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Benoit, Matthias; Simon, Lauriane; Desset, Sophie; Duc, Céline; Cotterell, Sylviane; Poulet, Axel; Goff, Samuel Le; Tatout, Christophe; Probst, Aline V

Replication-coupled histone H3.1 deposition determines nucleosome composition and heterochromatin dynamics during Arabidopsis seedling development Article de journal

Dans: New Phytologist, vol. 221, no. 1, p. 385-398, 2019.

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Froussios, Kimon; Schurch, Nick J; Mackinnon, Katarzyna; Gierliṅski, Marek; Duc, Céline; Simpson, Gordon G; Barton, Geoffrey J

How well do RNA-Seq differential gene expression tools perform in a complex eukaryote? A case study in Arabidopsis thaliana Article de journal

Dans: Bioinformatics, vol. 35, no. 18, p. 3372-3377, 2019, ISSN: 1367-4803.

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Poulet, Axel; Duc, Céline; Voisin, Maxime; Desset, Sophie; Tutois, Sylvie; Vanrobays, Emmanuel; Benoit, Matthias; Evans, David E; Probst, Aline V; Tatout, Christophe

The LINC complex contributes to heterochromatin organisation and transcriptional gene silencing in plants Article de journal

Dans: Journal of Cell Science, vol. 130, no. 3, p. 590–601, 2017, ISSN: 0021-9533.

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Duc, Céline; Benoit, Matthias; Détourné, Gwénaëlle; Simon, Lauriane; Poulet, Axel; Jung, Matthieu; Veluchamy, Alaguraj; Latrasse, David; Goff, Samuel Le; Cotterell, Sylviane; Tatout, Christophe; Benhamed, Moussa; Probst, Aline V

Arabidopsis ATRX Modulates H3.3 Occupancy and Fine-Tunes Gene Expression Article de journal

Dans: The Plant Cell, vol. 29, no. 7, p. 1773–1793, 2017, ISSN: 1040-4651.

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Duc, Céline; Benoit, Matthias; Goff, Samuel Le; Simon, Lauriane; Poulet, Axel; Cotterell, Sylviane; Tatout, Christophe; Probst, Aline V

The histone chaperone complex HIR maintains nucleosome occupancy and counterbalances impaired histone deposition in CAF-1 complex mutants Article de journal

Dans: The Plant Journal, vol. 81, no. 5, p. 707-722, 2015.

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Stagiaires encadrés :

  • EMIE LEFEVRE, Master 2 Sciences de la Mer, Interactions biotiques et Perturbations Anthropiques en environnement marin, Université de Toulon
  • Valentin PLANTIER, master GGBS, Nantes Université
  • Ellyn ROUSSELOT, master GGBS, Nantes Université


  • Bâtiment 9, bureau 117
  • 02 51 12 56 34
  • celine.duc@univ-nantes.fr