H3K27me3 and EZH Are Involved in the Control of the Heat-Stress-Elicited Morphological Changes in Diatoms

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keywords = {-GlcNAcylation, [F]FBEM, 3D spheroids, ab initio, Ab initio modelling, Acceptor diversity, Acid mine drainage (AMD), actin, activities, Activity relationships, Adaptation, Adaptation, Affinity, agar, agarase, Algae, Algae, Allostery, alternative oxidase (AOX), Amino acids, Amylose complex, anabolic, angiogenesis, Animal Genetics and Genomics, Answer Set Programming, Anticancer agent, Antioxidant properties, Antiparasitic, apoptosis, apoptosis, Applied spectroscopy, Arabidopsis, Arabidopsis thaliana, ARHGEF1, Arthropathies, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial neural network, aureochromes, bacterial evolution, bacteroids, Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis, binding studies, Biocatalyst, biochemical engineering, Biodegradation, Biodegradation, Biodistribution, Bioimaging, Bioimaging, biological nitrogen fixation, Bioreporter, Bistability, Bistability, Blood albumin, bone dysplasia, brown algae, brown algae, brown algae, BS-PCR, C4 photosynthesis, CAF-1, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer, Cancer cells, Cancer de la prostate de haut risque, Cancer de prostate, Cancer outcomes, Cancer prostatique, carbohydrate, Carbohydrate antigens, Carbohydrates, Carnoulès, catalytic antibody, Catechin, catechin-3′O- α-glucoside, cation-π, cell differentiation, Cell dormancy, cell growth arrest, cell migration, cell-free synthetic system, cellular differentiation, Cellules souches mésenchymateuses, CFMS trafficking, chaperone, Chemiosensitization, chemoselective ligation, Chemotherapy, Chimiothérapie, ChIP-seq, chitin, chitin deacetylase, chitosan, chloroplast-mitochondria, Choline PET, chondrodysplasia, Chondrosarcoma, Chromatin, Chromatin, Chromatin, chromatin assembly, chromatin assembly, Chromatin Assembly and Disassembly, chromatin dynamics, chromatin dynamics, chromosome replication, Coiled coil domain, Colorectal cancer, conformational change, Conformational transition, Conformations, conjugation, Constraint-based analysis, contractile ring., Contraintes de dose, Core-shell structure, CP/MAS NMR, Cross-genome comparison, crystal structure, crystal structure, Culture, Cyanosteroids, Cycles, Cyclization, cysteine mutagenesis, cytokinesis, cytotoxicity, cytotoxicity, D-hydantoinase, d-zyme, d-zyme, d-zyme, d-zyme, d-zyme, Database, Database, density functional calculations, Density Functional Theory, development, Diatom, diatoms, differentiation, Dihydropyrimidinase, Diketones, directed evolution, Disorder, disulfide bond reduction, disulfides, DNA methylation, DNA repair, DNA repair, DNA repair, DNA repair, DNA repair, DNA repair, DNA Replication, DNA-PKcs, DNA-PKcs, DNMT2, Domoic acid, Dose constraints, Dose–response relationship, Drosophila, drug design, Drug discovery and design, Drugs, DSC, Ectocarpus, Ectocarpus sp, EDIPHIS, EDIPHIS, Effets secondaires de la radiothérapie, elastic network model, elastic network model, Electroporation, EMT, enzymatic activity, Enzymatic effectors, enzymatic synthesis, Enzyme Catalysis, enzyme inhibitor, enzymes, enzymes, epigenetics, epigenetics, epigenetics, epigenetics, epigenetics, epigenetics, epigenetics, epigenetics, équipe 2, Escherichia coli, Essential metabolite, evolution, evolution, Ewing's sarcoma, EZH, Feedback control, fitness, fitness cost, fitness landscape exploration, Flagellum expression, Flexibility, Fluorescence anisotropy, fluorescence polarization, Fluorescent organic nanoparticles, Fluorescent organic nanoparticles, fold recognition, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Fourier transforms, freebiowave, fucosidase, fucoxanthin, fungicides, Funregiox, Funregiox, Funregiox, Funregiox, Funregiox, Funregiox, galectin, galectin-3, galectin-3, Galectin-3 inhibitor, Galectin-3 inhibitor, Gametophyte, Gene co-expression network, gene expression, gene transformation, general, genetics, genome stability, Genome-wide survey, germline, GH105, gh16, GH20, glutathione, glycoclusters, glycoconjugate vaccine, glycoconjugate vaccine, glycosidase, Glycosidases, Glycosidases, Glycoside hydrolase, Glycoside hydrolase, Glycoside hydrolase, Glycoside hydrolase, Glycoside hydrolase, Glycoside Hydrolases, gold clusters, Gold nanoclusters, Gold porphyrin, Graph-based analysis, H3K27me3, Hemagglutinin, HEMPT_iT, HepG2, Heterodimer, heterogeneous catalysis, Heteromeric cytokine, heteropolyacids, HGFR kinase, High glucose, High-risk, histone, Histone Code, Histone modification, histone variant, histones, histones, histones, homogeneous glycoconjugate, Homologous Recombination, Homologous Recombination, Horizontal gene transfer, Horizontal gene transfer, Horizontal gene transfer, Hormone therapy, Hormone therapy, Hormonothérapie, HR, Human milk oligosaccharides, Human milk oligosaccharides, Hydrogen peroxide, Hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen production, ICEclc, Iminosugars, Immunogenetics, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, impact, Implicit solvent effects, In situ hydrogel, In vitro models, Indole, inflammation, Influenza, Infrared radiation, inheritance, Inhibition, Inhibition, Inhibitor, inhibitors, inhibitors, inhibitors, Insect olfaction, Intercellular junction proteins, Interface energetics, Interleukin-34, Intermediate risk, Intestinal barrier function, Intestinal epithelium, Intra-articular drug delivery, invasion, Iodination, Iodine, Iron (II) salts, iron response, Isothermal titration calorimetry, Isothermal titration calorimetry, Lacto-N-triose II, Lactosamine, Lactosamine, LEF-TCF, leghemoglobin, Leucine rich repeat, Life cycle, Life Sciences, life-cycle stages, Ligand analysis, light activation, lipids, lipids, Long inverse PCR, low-frequency modes, low-frequency modes, luminescence, Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Magnetic nanoparticles, Magnetism, Magneto-fluorescent nanoassemblies, malaria, Malonates, Manganese-dependence, mannitol cycle, mannitol-1-phosphatase, marine bacteria, marine bacteria, mass spectrometry, mathematical modeling, mechanism engineering, Medicago truncatula, MeDIP-seq, Mesenchymal stem cells, meta-omics, Metabolic networks, metabolism, metabolite profiling, microalgae, microalgae, microarrays, microarrays, Microbial diversity, Microbial diversity, Microbial Genetics and Genomics, microbiome, microenvironment, Microscale thermophoresis, migration, MIMOVAX, Mini-transposon, mitochondria, modeling, Molecular docking, Molecular docking, Molecular dynamics, Molecular dynamics, Molecular dynamics, Molecular dynamics relaxation, molecular dynamics simulation, Molecular modeling, Molecular modeling, Monocytes/macrophages, Mosquito, Multicellularity, Multidrug resistance, multiphoton imaging, multiple parameter improvement, multiple sequences alignment, Multivalency, Multivalency, Muscle differentiation, mutagenesis, Mutations, N-acetylglucosaminidase, N-acetylhexosamine specificity, NADP malate dehydrogenase, NAG-oxazoline, Nanocapsules, Nanofitin, Native mass spectrometry, natural nodule senescence, NHEJ, Ni beads, Nitro-benzoxadiazole, Nitrogen, nitrogen-fixing symbiosis, NMR, nodule cysteine-rich peptides, nodule gene expression, nucleoside/nucleotide analog, nucleoside/nucleotide metabolism, nucleosome, Nucleosomes, Nucleus, Nucleus, OBP, Odorant binding protein, Oligomers, Oligometastatic, oligométastatique, Oligoprogression, Oligoprogressive, Oligorécurrence, Oligorecurrent, oligosaccharide, oligosaccharide synthesis, oligosaccharide synthesis, optimization, Organe à risque, Organocatalysis, Organs at risk, origin of transfer, osteoclast, osteoimmunology, osteoporosis, Osteosarcoma, Osteosarcoma, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, out_lab, 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Prostate cancer, Prostate cancer, Protein, protein blocks, Protein complexes, Protein conformation, protein conjugation, protein domains, protein engineering, protein engineering, Protein folding, Protein phosphorylation, Protein Processing, protein sequence activity relationship, protein spectrum, Protein structural variation, Protein structure prediction, protein structures, protein structures, Protein targeting, Protein-DNA interactions, Protein-ligand interaction, protein-protein docking, Proteins, Proteomes, Proteomics, Pseudo-nitzschia, Pseudomonas, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas putida, PSMA, purine, Quantitative Biology - Biomolecules, Quiescency, Rad51, Rad51, RAD51 recombinase, Radiation-induced toxicity, Radiosensibilité, Radiosensitivity, Radiothérapie, Radiothérapie, Radiothérapie, Radiothérapie, Radiothérapie, radiotherapy, radiotherapy, radiotherapy, radiotherapy, radiotherapy, radiotherapy, radiotherapy, rational screening, rational screening, recombinant protein, red algae, redox, redox sensitivity, redox state, Regulation, RH blood group, RHD gene, RHOA, ribosome, Risque intermédiaire, RNA-binding proteins, robust modes, ROSETTA, RPL13, s, SAR, SBRT, scFv library, Sec4, Secondary structure, sequence--activity relationship, sequence-structure relationship, short stature, sialidases, sialidases, Side effects of radiation therapy, sigma factors, simulation, single-cell studies, Site-directed mutagenesis, Size, skin tissue repair, SLP76, SMIDIDI, SMIDIDI, SOD1, solvent reorganization, species networks, Spectrophotometry, Spectroscopy, Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia, Sporophyte, stéréotaxique, Stilbene inhibitors, stilbene sulfonic acid, Stochastic modeling, stramenopile, Structural alphabet, Structural alphabet, Structural alphabet, structural annotation, Structure, Structure, Structure-function relationship, subcellular localization, Substrate specificity, substrate-assisted catalysis, sulfated polysaccharide, Supraparticles, Syntaxin, synthetic 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